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07.06.2024: NL: Biodiversity with 'ecological rafts'

07.06.2024: Local flower grower fuses nature and culture

07.06.2024: Brussels Airlines resumes direct flights to Nairobi

07.06.2024: How new technology extends vase life of cut roses

07.06.2024: Turkey: Antalya will be decorated with 2 million flowers for the summer

07.06.2024: Owl Forest Farm’s peony research project highlights the flower’s value

07.06.2024: NL: AltaNova Sales splits into HD Plants and AltaNova

07.06.2024: Chemical promotion of branching and stem elongation of Poinsettia

21.05.2024: Revisiting plant electric signaling: Challenging an old phenomenon with new discoveries

21.05.2024: Seasonal workers from Kenya needed in the UK

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